So Long, Summer

It’s official—summer is over, fall is quickly arriving. Just this past week I noticed the significant change in nighttime temperatures and the feeling of fall in the air. My brother is getting his senior portraits taken tomorrow (my how time flies) and then he starts school this week. I myself am headed to Italy to begin my senior year of college in just 10 days. Holy cow.

While browsing the Labor Day sales online, I came across this top from Anthropologie. White linen with a “I wish I were there” beachy scene, it perfectly captures the essence that is summer. Why is it that I always find the coolest summer items as soon as the season is over? Sigh. Life is cruel.

As sad as I (always) am to see summer go, I have to admit I am psyched to dig up my fall wardrobe again. I painted my nails a lovely shade of burgundy today and every time I look at them I’m instantly inspired. So long summer, hello fall!

Of the Moment

Continuing my “Of the Moment” series, I present to you the things currently on my mind/recent happenings:

(1) Study Abroad – With only 17 days until I leave for Italy (holy cow, I just now counted this and got really scared), this is constantly on my mind. My best friend left last week for Ecuador, where she’ll be studying abroad for four months, and I still felt like it was a ways off for me. But not at all…I have so much to do!

Some exciting news, by the way―I was selected by my study abroad program CIMBA to be a student blogger/ambassador for them while I’m abroad. I am super excited and can’t wait to get started! I plan on cross-posting all my posts, maybe with additional content over here. More to come…

(2) Skulls – Last weekend I found this amazing skull ring at the airport that I had to buy. Not usually my style at all (I tend to think of skulls as demonic or gothic), this one attracted me instantly because of it’s sparkle and statement piece factor. I may also have been inspired by my manager’s lovely, almost unnoticeable, gold skull ring. I received three compliments on my ring from coworkers (including her!) yesterday and I just love it. Jewelry is the perfect way to try a new trend without skewing too much away from one’s personal style. I am now dreaming about this incredible Alexander McQueen skull bangle. What a simple, yet bold, beauty.

(3) Brand is a Four Letter Word – I’m currently reading this book by Austin McGhie of Sterling Brands, recommended to me by my aforementioned manager. The main point he makes is that you cannot “brand” a product; “brand” is not a verb, but a noun only. Our job as marketers is to BUILD a brand. Makes sense to me.

While only a couple chapters in, I have already come to the conclusion that Chapter 2 should be in every college marketing textbook. McGhie (who I actually met in person thanks to my job!) defines the six essential terms of marketing in a concise, sensible way. I’ve never had a crisper picture of the difference and relationship between vision, strategy, brand, etc. I’m excited to see what else this book has in store.

(4) 21st Birthday – At the beginning of this month I (finally!) turned 21. In spirit of the occasion, my mom gave me a Kate Spade pouch with the same cocktail print pictured on the tote above. It’s meant to be a cosmetic case, but I full well plan on using it as a chic, oversize clutch. Perfect for going out on the town in Italy, with camera, Berlitz, lipgloss and wallet in tow.

Of the Moment

In an effort to help me start blogging more, I’ve decided to start an “Of the Moment” section to highlight the things currently on my mind, things making me smile, or things inspiring me. Much like Emily Schuman’s Five Things or my friend Ally’s Friday Five, but I am calling it “Of the Moment” for two reasons. One being a reminder to myself to live in the moment, and the second being I don’t have to limit myself to a certain number. So, here I go!


(1) Italy
I am studying abroad in Italy this fall and couldn’t be more excited. Today I registered for my classes, making it seem even more real. Having never been out of North America, I can hardly believe I am finally getting the chance to travel. I’m really excited for the classes I’ll be taking, too. Now that my business core classes are out of the way, it’s all electives for my entire senior year of college. Here’s what I’ll be taking:

  • International Marketing
  • Entrepreneurial Strategy
  • Business, Culture & Society
  • Journalism Ethics
  • Italian for Travelers

(2) Statement jewelry
My current fashion obsession of the moment, or past several months really, I cannot get enough of big jewelry. This past weekend I snagged a gorgeous turquoise necklace from Anthropologie and a few months back I found this AMAZING floral piece at Off Fifth. The absolute best part is that no one else has it!Necklace

(3) Alaska Airlines
I am interning in the Marketing department of Alaska Airlines this summer and really enjoying it. I am finally getting the chance to see firsthand what the corporate world is like and I am happy to say that my visions of seeing myself working in a corporate/office setting are confirmed. I love getting dressed up every day, walking down the halls of the building, arriving at my desk, attending meetings. I feel so important. :) I also still feel that marketing is the career path for me, yet this internship is opening my eyes to all new things.

(4) Conversations with old friends
I met up with a high school friend last night whom I hadn’t seen in six months and it never ceases to amaze me how it feels like no time has passed. Except that it had, because it was really cool to see how much she has grown. We sat there for hours outside Starbucks, deep in conversation about the meaning of life and other philosophical things. I forgot how much I enjoy deep talks like that, and how I appreciate her company. She is one of the most unique people I know with such a hunger for knowledge and adventure. In just those two hours, she completely inspired me and caused me to look at things differently. Now that’s a friend!

Happy Fourth

Happy Fourth

Happy Fourth of July! I’ll be celebrating by enjoying food and watching the fireworks from my friend’s boat on Lake Union. The sun is shining and I couldn’t be more excited to kick back. Also, today marks one month until my 21st birthday, so even more reason to celebrate! Hope you all enjoy your Fourth in style and God Bless America!

P.S. I’m swooning over this Dannijo necklace. Spare change, anyone?

I Am Project

I’ve always been a fan of inspiring, life-related quotes, so when I found this collection of images, I was immediately drawn to them.

Three friends started designing this collection of graphics called the I Am Project, with the desire to “affirm and inspire the beauty in every woman, to celebrate the uniqueness in each of us, as well as the commonalities that unite us as women.” Sounds good to me.

Society becomes harder and harder every day for little girls, teens, adults, you name it. There are so many expectations, pressures, and judgments out there, constantly battling you and your identity.

As a junior in college, I’ve grown tremendously since graduating high school. When I saw the above graphic, “I like who I’m becoming,” I realized, “hey yeah, I do!” I’ve discovered my passions and what I want to do with my career, met tons of different people, tried many new things, stepped out of my comfort zone, and pushed myself. I am constantly learning and growing, as it is an endless metamorphosis, but I am proud to say that I’ve always stayed true to myself.

For those women (and men!), who don’t yet feel this way, I hope the I Am Project can inspire you. Embrace yourself, for you are beautiful in your own unique way!

Here are some of my favorites from the collection:

P.S. You can also buy these in 5×7 or 8×10 prints on the Etsy shop! What a great way to remind yourself to be you everyday.